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GGG Cllr Susan Parker & vice chair of Surrey Hills Board states;

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

Thank you to all Surrey residents who came out in force and provided evidence at the first consultation stage of the boundary review for the Surrey Hills AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty).

We now have the proposed NEW BOUNDARIES and MAPS which can be seen on the attached links.

Its is very good news!

Under the proposals the Surrey Hills Boundaries will be extended by approximately 100km2 and about 25%. The rift between the east and west arms of the Surrey Hills AONB at Shalford is largely now closed. There i

s a significant extension at the Hog’s Back, including Wanborough; Hatchlands Park and East Clandon are now included. The Surrey Hills AONB is also extended in the east and west linking to both the South Downs National Park and other AONB areas. Guildford and Waverley are boroughs that benefit hugely.

National England are running the public consultation process and have now started the second round of public consultation.



Many developers and some councils may resist the proposed the proposals. Public support will be required to ensure that the proposed changes are included in the review put forward to the Secretary Of State. Until that formal ASSENT is given nothing will be sure and the final boundaries could be much smaller than proposed, so please endorse the proposals.

We know that many people would have like other areas to be included , the committee would have liked to see other areas too! There is scope to give information and evidence at this second stage and Natural England has set out its criteria. Small changes may be added with a small add-on consultation so if you feel strongly that somewhere else should be included look at the Natural England requirements for evidence and supply evidence for inclusion. Please target this carefully making sure you provide relevant required evidence so that Natural England are not snowed under with a raft of data that delays approval overall.

Framing any comments in the context of overall support for the Natural England proposals will offer greater certainty for the proposals put forward. We don’t want the best to be the enemy of the good. This extension is GREAT NEWS and gives better protection for beautiful areas.

So do take part in the consultation and support all the areas proposed.


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Unknown member
Mar 24, 2023

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