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No support for Solar Farm

Updated: Feb 28, 2024

There were 64 objections and no support for the University's proposed Solar Farm near Blackwell Farm.

Today  (28th February 2024) GBC will take the unusual step of meeting with the proposers, without public involvement. Such a presentation maybe contrary to the Councillor -Probity in Planning Handbook, see pages 5-44 and 5-45


SSE issues Green Bonds which are a carbon offsetting scheme some believe merely enables polluters to continue polluting.


CPRE, Surrey Hills AONB, Save Surrey Countryside and Surrey Wildlife Trust are amongst those who have expressed serious concerns about the project. 


Save Surrey Countryside says


The application does not fulfil the criteria for placement in the Green Belt, does not accord with the Local Plan and is contrary to the protection of the Surrey Hills AONB. The Council should reject this application outright and only ever consider solar arrays on the land when the university has demonstrated that it has done all it can on its already-developed land, has explored the use of other brownfield sites not in its ownership and can clearly demonstrate why “very special circumstances” then apply which are real and of benefit to the community as a whole

Save Surrey Countryside says

The application does not fulfil the criteria for placement in the Green Belt, does not accord with the Local Plan and is contrary to the protection of the Surrey Hills AONB. The Council should reject this application outright and only ever consider solar arrays on the land when the university has demonstrated that it has done all it can on its already-developed land, has explored the use of other brownfield sites not in its ownership and can clearly demonstrate why “very special circumstances” then apply which are real and of benefit to the community as a whole




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