Ramsey Nagaty, chair of the Guildford Greenbelt Group, was also critical. He said: “Zöe Franklin fails to say what the Lib Dem solution is. Yes the regulator and Environment Agency (EA) need to work together but the regulator needs stronger powers and the Agency more funding and resources.
Ramsey Nagaty
“She also fails to say who should pay. Should it be shareholders and investors, managers who have received huge salaries and bonuses, the Government, or taxpayers, consumers and bill payers?
“Thames Water bosses say its new £3 billion lifeline proposals will ‘enable us to continue with the planned investment and maintenance of our infrastructure in order to continue to meet customers’ needs, and our environmental responsibilities.’
“Is this likely? TW have more than £15 billion in debts and has been in urgent talks with lenders and shareholders about putting its finances on a more secure footing but it will be a difficult period in which to resolve pressing infrastructure requirements.
“I note that Zoe does not call for caps on salaries, bonuses and dividends. Are the Lib Dems happy for the customers to foot the bill?
“Yet again what appears as a sensible, well-meaning Lib Dem statement fails to provide the detail.”
