From the Guildford Dragon:
..... the leader of the Guildford Greenbelt Group (GGG), Ramsey Nagaty, said: “GBC had tough choices as they had to balance service delivery, council-owned housing maintenance against other funding requirements in a cash-constrained council who face, like others, reduced funding from central government.
“GGG does not support all the funding choices made but felt they had to support the budget overall.
“Those who did not support the budget were unable to provide any alternative solution other than to try and claim the Town Centre Masterplan was a vanity project. This is clearly a long-overdue requirement for the town. They chose to abstain rather than vote against, which would be difficult to defend to their constituents.
“GGG did note the council were still providing a large grant to the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre for the next few years and stressed that assistance in obtaining alternative funding should be offered and, through GBC capital works, maybe the way forward. We regret the need for a reduction in the number of public toilets but savings are necessary. We are pleased to note SCC are allocating funds for CABs [Citizens Advice] and trust Guildford and Ash CABs will benefit.”
Ramsey added that we need a separate climate change budget and not just a statement taking climate change aspects from other budgets. We need to have a budget so that as requirements arise we can do something practical.