GGG opposed the way the Local Plan: Strategy and Sites document was prepared and then adopted in the purdah period prior to the last election by the then Conservative administration at GBC.
This is Part 2 of that same Local Plan.
GGG worked extensively in addressing improvements to the proposed part 2 Development Management Policies, line by line, word by word. Our GGG Councillor Catherine Young was able to obtain many amendments during the detailed regular task group meetings held to finalise the policies. However, GGG believes that key issues remain.
GGG pressed for stronger protection of irreplaceable habitats and ancient woods, and for ancient woods to be excluded from utilisation in part or wholly as SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space) calculations.
GGG sought a stronger definition of limited infilling in villages to stop the speculative development of 4 or more properties, and loss of green belt and green spaces, and the damage to the character of our villages and town centre.
GGG seeks infrastructure and facilities (road improvements, school places, doctors@ surgeries, etc) to be provided prior or at least along with developments.
GGG seeks stronger biodiversity & carbon emissions targets.
GGG awaits a Greenbelt and Countryside SPD, as well as many other promised SPDs to provide much needed guidance to support policies.
GGG awaits a Borough wide Character Study that focuses on Design Coding.
GGG has pressed for a specialist additional Conservation and Design Character Planning Officers to join the team at GBC.
For these reasons GGG did not vote to support the Local Plan Part 2: Development Management Policies going out for regulation 19 consultation for the DMP Part 2 Local Plan
There is much in the document that is good; and once Reg 19 is adopted it must be given weight by developers. This would then also 'free up' the Policy Team to progress the work on the Local Plan Part 1 review that GGG has repeatedly pressed for. So there is merit to move this on, ideally with GGG and residents’ concerns raised in the consultation being included.
GGG are sceptical as to the changes that will be accepted by the planning officers to any comments and submissions made in the Public Consultation; but recommend that residents participate and voice their views on this important document.
The six-week consultation runs from midday on 7 January 2022 to midday on 18 February 2022.
Ways to view the documents
The Proposed Submission Local Plan: Development Management Policies, supporting documents and key evidence will be available to view:
on our website
at Guildford Borough Council offices, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BB during office hours (excluding Bank Holidays).
during normal opening hours (excluding Bank Holidays) at Guildford Library, Ash Library, Horsley Library and Shere Diamond Jubilee Library..
Ways to submit written comments
Consultation feedback must be provided in writing. Please ensure all comments clearly state and identify which paragraph number or policy they relate to in the Local Plan document. You can do this in a number of ways:
complete the online questionnaire.
email to
post to: Planning Policy Team, Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, GU2 4BB
completing a paper questionnaire or writing to: Planning Policy, Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BB.
Paper copies of the questionnaire are available from the Council’s Millmead office reception and local libraries. Please note that verbal or anonymous comments cannot be taken into consideration.
Once adopted the draft Local Plan part 2 will, together with the adopted Local Plan: Strategy and Sites (LPSS), fully replace the policies that still remain from the existing Local Plan 2003.