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Cllr Nagaty influences wording of new Council Tax & Debt Recovery policies

21 September 2021

Cllr Ramsey Nagaty, Vice Chair Services Exec Advisory Board, spoke at the Executive meeting at Guildford Borough Council to ensure that the new Council Tax and Debt Recovery policies included plain language and advice for residents that may have difficulties .

Ramsey provided the Executive with reasons not to adopt CAB recommended policy presently, but to ascertain first the costs and implications of adding further to the existing very successful GBC CT collection procedures; and to consider consistency and best practice when looking at future working with Waverley. Both Ash and Guildford CABs were happy with GBC current arrangements.

Ramsey further ensured the EAB recommendation for Cllr Abbey to liaise with officers on Council Tax recovery and for Jo Randall and Ramsey to discuss aspects of Debt Recovery with Officers; but for the Debt Recovery Policy to be adopted as per the EAB recommendations.



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